Crow Wing County Disaster Drill
October 11, 1997

        At least once every three years, the Brainerd Crow Wing County Airport is required to conduct an emergency drill related to a plane crash. The last drill involved a simulated crash of a passenger and cargo plane.  The passenger plane was represented by a busload of "victims," while the cargo plane was represented by a burning pile of brush. A huge explosive charge was set off to simulate the crash and alert the area. Immediately the call for aid went out to all appropriate organizations, including the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.

        During the drill, the Radio Club served as Net Control with members posted at all major areas, including the Brainerd Hospital. The Net Control Station and members used their 2-meter radios to coordinate and relay messages to all areas and agencies.  This service was extremely valuable because of the different frequencies and methods of communication used by the many agencies that were involved. The Club Net Control Operator was able to provide the link that joined all involved into an effective working unit.

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