Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. |
Club History |
Historically the Club has had a long-time school connection. In recent years (1970's) it was a part of the Brainerd High School electronic program. Headed by one of our former members, Roger Syvertsen (KØVOO), it was very successful in turning out new hams especially young people. They included Paul Hunt (WBØDAA). The station at the high school had the call of WBØAYS. Then when Roger retired from teaching, the school connection faded. Soon the Club worked outside the schools. Joe Baker, licensed at that time, was teaching in the high school and took over some of the class work started by Roger Syvertsen. However, the first Brainerd ham radio club goes back to 1965 when Fritz Bertelt, KØMAH (now WØKO), was a high school student and college student in Brainerd. The Club was called the Paul Bunyan Amateur Radio Club (PBARC). It languished with the retirement of WØCKT, Ed Marquart, college physics instructor and advisor. The Club call at that time was KØYGJ.
In the early 1970s Joe OToole, (WØBUC), revived the Club outside of the school system. Some of the members were Dr. Elmer Seale (KØQIH) and the late George Melin (WØIN). Once we got our repeater, WRØAOW (yes, repeaters had their own call signs back then), the then new and present club developed under the leadership of KØVOO and KØMAH. Others, such as Mark Persons, Tom Schwankl, and Dave Miller, were also instrumental in getting the Club energized. Also interesting is that another Club formed after that time in Merrifield---PBWA---Paul Bunyan Wireless Association. It has long ceased operation and a few of our members belonged to it. The rest is history.
Compiled from memory by Fritz WØKO. Corrections and/or additions
are welcome.