New Antennas for Fritz Bertelt



        November 10, 1998, an Ice and wind storm caused massive antenna damage at Fritz Bertelt's QTH.   Note how the pipe tower bent over and now the VHF and HF beam antennas are upside down.  All of the antennas were damaged to one degree or another.   Fritz (WØKO) says it may be spring before a new tower goes up to replace this one.  


        New antennas were put up in the summer and fall of 1999.  These photos were taken on October 29, 1999 after the pipe tower was shortened by 15 feet and a new HF quad was installed.  The quad covers 20 through 10 meters.  There is a 2 meter antenna on the side of the tower just below the quad.  Fritz also installed a G5RV antenna for 160 through 10 meters.  It is primarily used from 160 through 40 meters.  The G5RV is a wire dipole fed, in the center, with 300 ohm line.  It is not visible in these photographs. 


       Fritz is a happy guy.  He is back on the air DX'ing again.   Fritz  Fritz Bertelt WØKO  

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006