Stan Anonsen passed away Sunday, October3, 1999, while at church in Ft. Myers, FL. He was 77 years old. In the 1970-80's Stan was an active, generous member of our Club. He had the Advanced Class license and lived on the White Fish chain. He will be sorely missed by many who knew him. We recall that he loved to play the organ and spent a lot of time at the Crosslake church practicing and making heavenly music. In fact, he helped build that Log Church from a seasonal to a year-around one.
He was a graduate of the University of Minnesota in Chemistry and worked for some 40 years with Mallinckrodt Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company in St. Louis. In his last six years with the firm he served as its president.
Clay Thorson, KCØHA, mentioned that he and his wife were looking for property here and was in contact with a ham on .52 simplex. It turned out to be Stan, whom he knew from the Cities. Without hesitation Stan invited Clay and Betty to use their guest house, again showing Stan's generosity.
Stan Anonsen is survived by his wife Virginia, two daughters and one son.
The funeral was held on Thursday, October 7,1999, in Ft. Myers
Anyone wishing to send condolences could use this address: Virginia Anonsen, 4505 Harbor Court, Shell Point Village, Ft. Myers, Fl 33908.
Information supplied by Clay Thorson, The Brainerd Daily Dispatch, Mark Persons and Fritz Bertelt.