Foreign Visitor Operates 
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club Station 
in July of 1999


        Fritz WØKO had the opportunity to demonstrate the Club Station WØUJ on July 23, 1999.

        It was to Mysore K. R. Naidu, who is visiting his daughter and family in Baxter. Naidu is VU2MYK. The U.S. government allows Indian nationals to operate in this country just by using the prefix WØ before their own call signs. Naidu’s daughter (Vardhini Mohan) and son-in-law (Mohan Radhakrishnan) teach at Central Lakes College. All three are pictured in the top photo. Seated is Naidu VU2MYK. They also had fun chatting with other hams. Naidu had fun operating by talking to stateside stations, Canada and Bermuda, as did his family members. All this was done with poor HF propagation.



       We only wish that Naidu could have been around for a Club meeting to tell us all about ham radio in India and experiences in Bahrain.

        Write-up and photos by Fritz WØKO.

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