September 30, 1999 BAARC Meeting


         Al Doree,WØRC, gave a presentation on the Global Positioning System (GPS) at the September club meeting.  Al has been a ham for many years and served as President of the 3M ham club in St. Paul before moving to the Brainerd Area.  He was recently appointed as the club Digital Repeater Coordinator by BAARC President Mark Persons, WØMH.  

        Al told the group about the 24 GPS orbiting satellites and that GPS can be tied in with packet radio to report the location of a ham transmitter when programmed to do so. The presentation evoked quite a few questions.  Al said the public and hams will be using GPS for location and direction finding more and more in the future. 

        The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club could connect the digital repeater, to the club station, and the Internet in the Mississippi Horizons School.  Al will give more details at a future meeting.  


  Al Doree,WØRC

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