Dedication of BAARC Club Station
Dedication Ceremonies for the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club Station were held on January 9th, 1999. In front left is Syd Peterson, widow of Charles "Skip" Peterson (KCØNA), who passed away in February of 1998. Syd donated most of the equipment for the club station. Along with it came a plaque honoring Skip. Accepting, for the club, was Club President, Mark Persons WØMH.
Here are some excerpts from Mark's speech: "We are here to dedicate a new facility a gathering spot an anchor for the club. This station is a "communications port" to the world. Skip was a ham most of his life and loved to talk with friends worldwide. It is fitting that the radios he used should now be used for the club station where young hams and new hams can learn the hobby from the ground up. Speaking of learning, this station is a cooperative effort between Independent School District 181 and the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. It is a part of our commitment to the community to offer classes, through the school district, to anyone in the community who wants to participate in the hobby."
Syd cuts the red ribbon officially opening the club station.
Fritz Bertelt (WØKO) makes the first contact. It was with W6FY in California. Everyone was elated. Fritz was a lifelong friend of Skip. The two had grown up together as hams.
Here is Syd with the cake. It was very much enjoyed by those who attended.
Skip was an active club member, avid ham, and all around great guy. We all miss him.
Skip Peterson KCØNA SK