BAARC Annual Field
Day 1999
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club held annual Field Day Activities June 26th and 27th in a large grassy area near the East Brainerd Mall.
As usual, it started with setting up the club tower. Here, John Luce (WØJGY), is raising the tower using the Armstrong method. The antenna at the top is a Cushcraft R5 for 10 through 20 meters loaned to the event by Club President, Mark Persons (WØMH). The dipole antenna, just below the R5, is club property and was used on 80 and 40 meters.
Weather turned poor just after setup and during the first hour of operation. The two club stations needed to be shut down and antennas disconnected for about 45 minutes. The trailer was loaned to the club by Lewie's RV Center of Brainerd. Our thanks to them for that and for Ken Magloughlin (KAØJSW) for making the contact at Lewie's to get the trailer. Tom Taylor III (KØHHF) loaned a 3500 watt gas driven generator for field day. Thanks, Tom, for that.
The club's newest member/newest operator is Darrell Schneider (KCØFYC). He is learning HF operation from Eldon Reeves (WØMQO) on the right in this photo. The Kenwood Transceiver was loaned for the event by John Luce (WØJGY).
Arnie Heinrich (KBØVNJ) shows off his CW skills with a military surplus J-38 straight key. He made quite a few contacts on 40 meters. The Icom 751A Transceiver was loaned for the event by Jon Livingston (KBØMNM).
Joe Bayliss (NØUME) and RJ Savey (AAØRJ) operate 10 meter SSB.
Club Secretary, Shirley Doree (KCØDCW) is aided by Ken Magloughlin (KAØJSW) in making sideband contacts. Ken was the one who arranged for the use of the field day site.
Roger Witt (KBØUUN) is caught smiling after making a 40 meter SSB contact.
Terry May (KIØFW) is chatting with Joe Bayliss (NØUME) as the event wraps up. Terry made eight 2 meter simplex contacts using solar power.
Operators at the event included John Luce (WØJGY), Ken Magloughlin (KAØJSW), Mark Persons (WØMH), Jon Livingston (KBØMNM), Brian Wermager (KØEOU), Joe Bayliss (NØUME), Paula Persons (WØHA), Arnie Heinrich (KBØVNJ), Alan Scherburne (KCØBQP), Terry May (KIØFW), Eldon Reeves (WØMQO), Darrell Schneider (KCØFYC), Bob Feuer (WØZPE), Tom Tom Taylor III (KØHHF), and Roger Witt (KBØUUN). We hope no one who operated was left off this list.
About 270 contacts were made in the 24 hour period. Since the event was held in a public place, 28 non-members, stopped in to sign the visitor log. That included 11 hams. Photos and story by Mark Persons (WØMH).
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