Computer/Technology Expo 1999
L-R Jon KB0MNM, Bill WBØMVE, Shirley KCØDCW, Al WØRC, and Mark WØMHThe Lakes Area Childrens Museum held a Computer Expo and technology show at the East Brainerd Mall on May 1st. The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club had two tables with ham gear there to show the public. Al Doree (WØRC) coordinated the clubs participation in the event. Al demonstrated 20 meter HF with an indoor antenna. Fluorescent light and computer noise limited it to only one contact. However, the display attracted event attendees and at least ten people expressed interest in ham radio and the club.
L-R visitor to booth, Jon KBØMNM, Al WØRC, and Joe NØUMEAl was aided by his wife Shirley (KCØDCW), Bill Ingmundson (WBØMVE), Alan Sherburne (KCØBQP), Jon Livingston (KBØMNM), Joe Bayliss (NØUME), and Club President, Mark Persons (WØMH). Jon brought two packet node controllers and the crew spent much of the day learning how to setup TNCs with computers. Mark brought a computer to show the clubs web page. Thanks also to club members who stopped by to say HI to the crew. The display of ham radio and exposure of the BAARC name was good public relations for the BAARC.