1999 BAARC Annual Summer Dinner



  Summer Dinner

        The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club Summer Banquet was held at the Holiday Inn Brainerd on Friday evening, June 11th.  There were 43 people in attendance.


Jean Girardot

Jean Girardot (NØVEF) was the speaker.   Jean volunteers her time in Honduras on a medical aid project.  She started out as a pharmacist, but has proven even more valuable as a radio operator to help coordinate the opeations.  Honduras was hit by a hurricane recently with devastating results.  Her slide show was a real eye opener.


           BAARC President, Mark Persons (WØMH), gave a short speech.  Here is the text:

        I am extremely proud to be a member of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. I have visited other clubs.  They were nice, but none quite compared to what we have here.  You probably know that we live in a time when service clubs membership is declining.   However, the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club is growing.  What makes this possible?  What are the factors?  Well, here are some...

The BAARC’er newsletter is excellent…thanks to Dennis Mack (WØZRO) and Fritz Bertelt (WØKO).

Our public service work is excellent…thanks to Ken Magloughlin (KAØJSW).

The meetings are well attended with good presentations.

We have a Club Station thanks to John Luce (WØJGY) and Syd Peterson.

The club has 5 repeaters including the portable one.

Hams worked at two major events last weekend and handled both successfully.  They were the Annual Paul Bunyan Tour of the Lakes and the Boy Scout Rendezvous at Camp Ripley.

The Sunday night net is good.  Chandra Bergman was wonderful recently as net control.  She was fun to listen to.

The club is now involved in Special Event activities thanks to Bob Englund (KGØZK).

The BAARC web site is not glamorous, but has depth and HEART.  It tells the story of the club.  Proudly displayed is a group photo and our club logo.  The site is updated twice a week on average.

The club is made up of good people.  We are now 108 members strong.  This is almost unheard of for a community this size.  Yes, Ham Radio is alive and well in the area and I am very very proud to be a member of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.  

Mark Persons (WØMH)     

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