Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club 
VE Testing Session


        The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club held a VE testing session on Monday, November 20, 2000 at at the Central Lakes College.  The ARRL testing liaison was Al Doree, WØRC.  

     Jeremy Scott of Ironton, MN passed his Technician class exam to become a new ham.  His sister is now interested and may test one of these days.

     Ted Gustafson WBØTDV (not shown here) upgraded to General class.

     Two happy new General Class hams.  Both passed the 5 word per minute code test this summer at a previous BAARC VE session.  They are Jim KBØTXT and Bob WØZPE who passed the General written at this test.  Both are excited about getting onto the lower bands.  160 meters can be great in the middle of the winter.   
     The Volunteer Examiners included (l-r) Terry May KIØFW, Pat Brundidge WØETY, Ken Magloughlin KAØJSW, Richard Brundidge WØECJ, Al Doree WØRC, Bob Englund KGØZK, and Paula Persons WØHA.  

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006