BAARC Special Event
February 26, 2000
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club's fourth special event, a salute to the $100,000 Ice Fishing Extravaganza, was held on February 26 at the club station in the Mississippi Horizons School. More than 100 contacts were made. Most of these were to the east and west. Thanks to all the participants and to Denny Schmidt NØNYW who will be preparing the certificate. Rumor has it that "Ole" returned from South Texas in time for the ice fishing contest and will make another appearance on the certificate. If you made a VHF or HF contact with the station, please give me a QSL card at the next club meeting. Participants also qualify for a certificate. We are hoping for a few new faces at the next special event.
Past BAARC President John Luce WØJGY an current BAARC President Mark Persons WØMH try their luck on 20 meters. It was a good session with one new contact about every minute.
BAARC Special Event Coordinator Bob Englund KGØZK, Orcy Lyle KCØGWC, and Jim Shubert KCØANQ took the second shift. Sharon Duit KBØSQX, her husband Jim KBØTXT, and Fritz Bertelt WØKO make even more contacts...mostly on 20 meters. The club recently received a notification from Bob-K5VC that the CHARRO Radio Club in Brownsville, TX will be holding its next special event on May 13. This event celebrates the Battle of Palmito Hill which was fought near Brownsville. For those of you who may have forgotten this important bit of US history, the Battle of Palmito Hill was the last land battle of the Civil War. Unfortunately, the battle was fought 3 weeks after the end of the war. Give them a call on May 13, 2000.
Bob-KGØZK BAARC Special Event Coordinator
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