Brainerd Area Amateur Radio
June 29, 2000 Meeting
Hunt Technologies
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club June 29th, 2000 meeting was held at Hunt Technologies new 5 million dollar corporate building. It is located about half way between Pequot Lakes and Breezy Point, MN.
photos by Mark WØMH
After the club business meeting, Tom Jones WØQF, will gave a talk on the Elecraft K2 QRP rig that he just finished building. Tom spent six months assembling this beauty.
A tour of hunt technologies was given. This fabulous facility was worth seeing.
(l-r) Eldon WØMQO, Elmer KØQIH, Ken KAØJSW, and Tom
Tom is an employee of Hunts. Here, he shows off a Hunt Technologies "Turtle" inside a power usage meter. The Turtle transmits power usage data back to power substations. Over one million Turtles have been sold to power companies world wide.
(l-r) Manley WØSSH, Jon KBØMNM, Ray KXØV, Roger WØWUG, and Dick KCØBAN.
Ray is also an employee at Hunt Technologies. He shows off a Turtle circuit card while Manley holds a Turtle programmer. A fun time was had by all.
This page was last updated 12/19/2006