2001 Jaycees' Fishing Extravaganza
on Gull Lake aided by the
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio
With some problems, but much help, the BAARC operation at the 2001 Jaycees' Fishing Extravaganza is now complete, with over 13,000 participating in the fishing. A 6 and a half pound walleye won the Ford pickup. On our side, we had 9 hams participating and the event went over with lots of traffic, but the largest problem was a blown power supply fuse. Guess it was just getting tired of being on and off and decided to quit. There are replacement fuses in stock, NOW.
Allen, KBØUUL; Roger, WØWUG; Jim, KCØANQ; Al, WØRC; Paula, WØHA; John, WØJGY; Russ, KCØHAQ; Orcy, WØQT and Ken, KAØJSW all participated. We didn't have enough hams to allow for rotating and getting operators off the ice for a break.
Congratulations to all who participated. Those who didn't, for one reason or other, missed a great event and a fun one. The Jaycees have expressed their thanks for our operation, which helped them several ways.
Several things occurred, which will be discussed and hopefully will lead to a smoother operation in 2002.
Magloughlin, KAØJSW
This page was last updated 12/19/2006