Dale Ritchie...Silent Key
   June 25, 2001

        We regret to report the passing of Dale Ritchie WDØBAC.  He died at a St. Cloud hospital at age 71. Dale was an Extra Class ham who served the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club as a Vice President and as a Volunteer Examiner in past years.   

        Dale Ritchie was born in Little Falls in 1929.  He served in the US Army from 1947 to 1949.  In 1964 he opened Ritchie's Grocery Story in Little Falls.  He ran it until retiring in 1985.  He served once as Vice President of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.

        Dale was blind in his later years.  My favorite story about Dale is how he worked on his ham antennas at night on the roof of his house.  He said it was cooler then so the antennas were easier to work on.  We will all miss him.  Mark  WØMH.

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