Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club 
Aeronautical Mobile July 25, 2001

      Mark Persons WØMH, Past President of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club

   Like many other aircraft enthusiasts, I attended the Experimental Aircraft Association annual fly-in at Oshkosh, WI on July 24th and 25th. I had the good fortune of going there in a private plane owned by a friend who is a pilot. However, my cellular telephone refused to work from the airplane. Fortunately I had Paula’s (WØHA) Yaesu VX-1 two meter transceiver along and used it to call her with our exact return time to Brainerd while we were still 70 or more miles east of Brainerd on July 25th. It talked in to the Brainerd 147.03 MHz repeater just fine with just a half watt and rubber ducky antenna. The airplane was at about 7000 feet when the first contact was made. I also talked to hams through the Duluth 146.94 MHz repeater and the St. Cloud 147.015 MHz repeater. People were sure excited to talk to a ham in an airplane even if it was through their local repeater.

  If I go aeronautical mobile again, I plan to take a 5 watt 2 meter/440 MHz transceiver with a headset/microphone so that I can hear other operators better and so that that they can hear me better. I will also take a clip board to write down call signs and names. With VHF and UHF communications, height is everything...If you can see it, you can talk to it. Mark WØMH.

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