United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club Trailer Work February, 2002

     BAARC members have been working on the new Club Trailer at the Hungry Horse Ranch.  The work crew on February 19th (l-r) Art  NØTNJ, Al WØRC, Terry KIØFW, Bob WØZPE, and Mark WØMH.  Arriving after the photo, and not shown, was Orcy WØQT.  

     The table that the crew is sitting at is newly constructed by them.  The window blinds were supplied and installed by Orcy.  Power for the lights and equipment is supplied by a portable 3000 watt gas generator plant, which was also purchased recently.  

     The trailer, as seen from the outside.  Watch for it coming to a Field Day or disaster site near you one of these days.    

Report on work done February 5th by Terry May KIØFW:

Al Doree, Bob Feuer and I worked on the trailer.   

    The generator, stored in an open air type of shed (thus, not exposed to the elements, but was exposed to ambient temps, which were as low as minus 17 at times, and plus 8 degrees when started Tuesday), started on the SECOND pull.     Seemed to run quite well, but needed an adjustment to the carburetor when running under heavy load.    Seems to run about 2 hours per tank of gas.  

    Al made up some very heavy duty cords for the generator (to the trailer) for both the 220 and 110 circuits.    These are each 50 feet long, I believe.    He also did a permanent lead-in for these circuits.     The trailer heater and lights work just perfect (two banks of fluorescents).     He also mounted two multi-strip plug-ins on each end of the trailer, and also started to mount a copper buss-strip that will run approx. 3/4's the way around the inside of the trailer (this will be a common ground source for all operating radios, etc.   This is in addition to the grounding available through the "regular" electrical system.      Al also intends to wire the trailer for a 12 V system. 

    Bob and I worked on the bench seats and table.    The bench seats are framed, topped, but yet need sheathing for the sides.     The seats are hinged, so they can be lifted up, and storage will be available in the space below.   The table frame is up, and I believe Bob might be working some in cutting the table top.      The table size will be 48 inches by 56 inches, so there will be plenty of surface area for "stuff".    The bench seats are each 5 feet long.  

    Special thanks to Bob for letting us keep the trailer there, at least temporarily, while we work on it.     It's in a pole shed and protected, plus Bob has got TONS of tools to help us work on it.       Al did super with the wiring - the system works very well.     Terry May KIØFW

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