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Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
VE Testing Session April 30, 2002 |
Congratulations and Thanks
Thanks to some excellent instruction by Al WØRC and Dan AAØNK we had a very high pass rate from the members of the classes who took the exams on April 30, 2002.
My sincere thanks to an excellent team of very competent Volunteer Examiners who helped pull off another good test session. We found it really helps to have such a diverse group doing the testing and checking on each other's work. The Team consisted of AAØRJ, KGØZK, WØQT, WØQF, WØECJ, AAØNK, KIØFW, KAØJSW. We served 15 people. Out of it came 5 new Technician, 6 General, and 2 Extra licensees. My thanks also to AL WØRC for doing the initial arranging.
The two new extras from our Club are KCØFYC and WAØAXB. The Generals were KCØKIB, KCØANQ, NØCRM, WØTNT. Cristian Weber, son of Steve, and June Persons, mother of WØMH, both are new Technician class hams Congratulations to them all.
VE testing Laison,
Fritz Bertelt WØKO
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