United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

HF DX Conditions April 27, 2003

     If you have tried to work the HF bands during the last couple of months you may have noticed how terrible conditions on them have been.  No, it is not your rig.  They really have been bad.  It is the worst period of conditions I can remember in the 47 years I have been a ham!  The K index has remained at 3, 4, or even 5, day after day.  In addition, of course, the A index, which records the level of the residual effects of the disturbed conditions, remains high even for those rare times when the K does drop below 3.  It will take two or three quiet days for it all to settle down to good conditions.

     Don't give up completely, because there are short openings on 30, 20, 17, and even occasionally 15 meters, when DX can be worked.  Remember also that because the days are now so long we are moving into summer conditions, when the best DX opportunities are in the evening and night time hours.  The 30, 20, and 17 meters bands will often remain open all night long.

     Watch the WWV reports at 18 and 45 minutes past every hour from Colorado and Hawaii respectively, on 15.000, 10.000, and 5.000 MHz.  If the K index hits 2 or lower, go get the DX!

Past BAARC President, Brian Wermager KØEOU  

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