Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
ARRL Article written by BAARC Member |
Congratulations to Mark Persons WØMH. An article he wrote was published on the http://www.arrl.org website as a feature story on August 24, 2003. Mark is Webmaster for the BAARC website, http://brainerdham.org, which serves as a good example for other clubs to follow. Mark was first licensed in 1963 as Novice and has more recently served three one-year terms as President of the Club. Link to the ARRL web story. |
E-mail Comments received
regarding the article:
August 24, 2003: Excellent article, good advice. Jim Staatz KG9RA, President Eau Claire Amateur Radio Club Eau Claire, WI. August 24, 2003: Hi Mark, Seen the article on ARRL web site on Websites, very nice and well put indeed, and visited your club site just as well. Nice to see you folks are large and in a school to help support the hobby, after all it is educational with the math and science involved. 73's, Ron Roman, de KD5CYW Altus, OK, Altus Area Amateur Radio Association, Member and President.Our website is http://www.qsl.net/aaara August 25, 2003: Hi, Mark, Just finished your article on the ARRL site, "Tips for a Better HAM Page". Great. I have a personal wish that HAMs not put music on their sites. I have seen too many with really annoying music playing. Worse, there is rarely a way to turn it off. I am so put off by that I just get off the site. That was a wonderful article. Surely, it will help many neophyte web page makers to do a lot better. I really enjoyed and appreciated seeing your article. It's about time that someone wrote that and I am so glad that you did. It's excellent and I hope clubs will read it and use it. Thank you. Cindy Rogers KR4LS August 25, 2003: Dear Mark, Thank you for your recent article "Tips for a Better Ham Web Page". In it you mentioned "You can get excellent Web server space from www.pair.com or others for as little as $9 per month." At that rate, a web site would cost a club and/or Ham a minimum of $108/year. I wanted to make you aware of another company which offers web server space for considerably less than that, and offers excellent service and ease of use. The company I have dealt with for the past couple of years is www.DotEasy.com. They offer domain name registration at $25/year which also includes Web server space. I will go ahead and let you know that I am not affiliated with DotEasy in any manner other than I am a very satisfied customer, and have found no better deal. 73s Kenny Breeding KG4ZID August 25, 2003: Mark: Congratulations on publication of your article currently on the ARRL Web Page. Well done!. Your choice of topic couldn't be better with clubs gearing up for the Fall. The content is superb. I'll be passing the word for Clubs to "check it out." It was great to see you at St. Cloud and I look forward to the chance to actually attend a Brainerd Hamfest next August. 73, Jay, KØQB, ARRL Dakota Division Director.August 25, 2003: Mark, Great article on the ARRL web site about club web sites. Less is definitely better! The info bar at the bottom of the browser screen is an important tool that those of us with slow modems use. I like to hover my cursor over a link, and look in that section to see where the link will take me. If it's off the site I'm on, I'll delay going there. The other thing that you recommended that I liked is the calendar format. I'll try to get our web guy to make ours like that. One benefit of that - it might finally force the club to start thinking about their programs more than two days in advance. Anyway, I'm glad you brought the subject up on the ARRL web site. With enough club web site makers trading ideas, hopefully the caliber of the entire genre will improve. 73! Dave W8NF August 26, 2003: Nice article on the ARRL site. I have a business offering domain registrations...prices start at $9.95. 73 - Scott KA9FOX http://www.yourcallsign.com August 26, 2003: Mark, I just read your article regarding the design and support of ham radio web sites that is published on the ARRL site. I was quite pleased and surprised to find your reference to the Rochester Area Radio Club web site in your article!! Thanks for the reference to the RARC site. 73, John K0KTY http://www.rarchams.org webmaster.
August 28, 2003: Hi, Enjoyed
your Website article on the ARRL site! You do very nice work.
I am the Webguy for the Michigan DX Association...we also rated
five stars on eHam. Please visit our website http://www.mdxa1.org/.
We believe it is one of the most unique sites on the web. We were
voted Best DX Club website by the ARRL Great Lakes Dir. I have
been building websites for 9 years. Charles LeMarbre W8VOM
August 31, 2003: I agree with your tips for web page design, especially the all important one where you noted that most users of the Internet are on dial-up. Most web designers are on high speed connections. They don't realize that many of their their customer's customers are limited to 50K or so. Mark, K8MT |
![]() BAARC Webmaster, Historian, and BAARCer Newsletter Editor |
This page was last updated 12/19/2006 Ø