United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

March of Dimes aided by BAARC...May 1, 2004

The 2004 Brainerd March of Dimes Walk-America was a tremendous success. Over 170 walkers raised $30,000 that will be used for premature births and birth defects. It was a cool but beautiful day for this 5-mile walk.
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club provide four operators for communication purposes. They were Terry May KIØFW, Jon Livingston KBØMNM, Cris Weber KCØNGK, and Steve Weber WØTNT. The walk, which started and finished at Central Lakes College, took less than two hours to complete.  The operators were stationed at busy intersections and were responsible for reporting the progress of the walk and  providing general communication assistance.  Although there were no serious incidents, Terry KIØFW did need to place a call for assistance for an exhausted walker.
Susan Parent, Executive Director of the Central Region March of Dimes and her staff enjoyed being kept up-to-date as to the progress of the walk. They truly appreciated our efforts and asked that we assist them again next year. Each radio operator was given a t-shirt, grab-bag, and lunch as an expression of their appreciation.
The BAARC radio operators did an excellent job of providing communication support and representing the club.  
Steve Weber WØTNT, BAARC Assistant Community Event Coordinator

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