United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club Membership Meeting....Thursday, April 27, 2006


A group of 25 hams assembled for the April meeting.
After the regular business meeting, Past President Brian KØEOU served cake to President Lyle KØLFV and others.  The occasion was the 50th anniversary of Brian getting his ham license.  Brian was 15 at the time living in Fergus Falls, MN.  
(l-r) Club members Alan KCØGWB, Steve WØTNT, Skee WØDCY, and Shirley KCØDCW discuss how good the anniversary cake is.
(l-r) Club Vice President Jim WØYA, Gary KCØWMD, and Gary's daughter Lindsey (no call sign yet). at the Club HF station.
Topic of the evening was, "DC to Light", given by John KØJO John is well known for his work at microwave frequencies and is also planning on experimenting at 500 KHz, which is below the lowest Amateur Radio band.  John gave a fascinating talk describing the attributes of each band.   

Jim Talbott
& Program

Our next club meeting will be the annual Spring Dinner.  The guest speaker will be well known DX-er Ralph Fedor KØIR.  The meeting will be on Thursday, May 25th.  Stay tuned for details.

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This page was last updated 12/31/2006  Ø