United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Communications Trailer Work, April 29, 2007

Two work sessions on the BAARC Emergency Communications Trailer took place during the month of April. Many work tasks were completed including a general clean-up, marking of

antennas, marking feed lines, marking masts, a check-out of all equipment, and changing tires. The work also involved planning for new mounting locations for the power generator and stairs that could mount under the doorway to the trailer's frame. The biggest job, however, and the most frustrating, (ask Lyle and Al) were repairs to the trailer lighting system when it is being towed.

The photo to the left shows Lyle KØLFV working on the vehicle-end plug connections, with help from John's dog Max.


Photo to the left shows Al WØRC sorting out wiring under the trailer. Not too much fun. .In all, the trailer committee was made up of Lyle KØLFV, Al WØRC, John WØJGY, and Terry KIØFW. The trailer is “ready-to-go” for all the summer club activities including the Special Event on May 12th, the Tour of the Lakes (Bike Ride) on June 2nd, and Field Day, on June 23rd and 24th. All in all, it takes a lot of work to keep the trailer up. However, it is all a part of having a lot of fun too according to the committee.





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This page was last updated 04/29/2007  Ø