Code Practice Session Number 2
Play the midi file code practice at 5 words per minute
Play the midi file code practice at 13 words per minute
Play the midi file code practice at 20 words per minute
Play the midi file code practice at 30 words per minute
The text:
WØMH de WØKO. RRR. Thanks, Mark, for the signal report. You are also RST 599. Again, my name is Fritz. The receive signal must be due to the Lightning Bolt five band quad I am using. Do you think it helps to run the Henry amplifier as well? Yes, my QTH is still Brainerd although I live north out of the city limits. I have been licensed in ham radio since 1957. My occupation is teacher at Central Lakes College where I have taught English and German for some 25 years. I hope you can copy through the QRM that just started. BK to you. WØMH de WØKO. K
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This page was last updated 04/19/2004