Code Practice Session Number 3
Play the midi file code practice at 5 words per minute
Play the midi file code practice at 13 words per minute
Play the midi file code practice at 20 words per minute
Play the midi file code practice at 30 words per minute
The text:
WØKO de WØHA. RRR. BT Thanks for that RST 579, Fritz. My name is Paula. My husband is also a ham. His call is WØMH. He is a broadcast engineer and I am chief executive officer of our firm. In short, we work together very closely. My transceiver is an Icom 751, running 100 watts into the popular G5RV antenna. We have worked into Japan with it. Our Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club has over 100 members now. In a VE test session recently 5 new hams were licensed. Did the QRN bother you? BK to you. WØKO de WØHA
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This page was last updated 04/19/2004