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Area Amateur Radio Club |
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Greetings from the 'Friendly Voice of Huntersville'. Our world can and did change a lot in the span of a few days. America experienced her awful Black September at 8:48 AM on September 11th, 2001 and very, very suddenly this great Republic came of age...by doing the right thing at the right time, our young President also came of age. This great Republic will prevail!
There was a lot of good DXing out there in the month of September, especially on 10 and 17-Meters. Yes, 10-Meters is slowly starting to return with great signals into Europe. Most of my DXing effort is dedicated to 17-Meters. On my return to Huntersville after our Club board meeting in Brainerd I worked Europe from my mobile rig with some outstanding QSO's with 2 German stations, both on 17-meters. My mobile rig in the pick up is a Yaesu FT-847 mounted in a vertical position...great rig for all bands and lot's of fun for my favorite part of this hobby, DXing.
Great news on my grandson Brad, he's following in his grandfathers footsteps, he passed his Tech exams 100% and has his 'ticket'...Hungry Horse Ranch hosted the Wadena Club to a Santa Maria style BBQ on the 7th of September...rain was on the menu along with top sirloin grilled over oak in an open pit, the chef got soaked but this didn't put a damper on the events...a super bunch of HAM's (14) enjoyed food and chatter. Fall has appeared suddenly, the Ranch is getting ready for winter and I'm looking forward to a great season of HAMing. September was also 'the' month for receiving QSL cards, Japan, South Cook Islands, Turks & Curacos, Belgium, Mexico, Puerto Rico, UK, Roratonga and finally, after a dozen or so contacts into Cuba, I received a QSL card from Havana, Cuba, hope Fidel isn't upset! I have one last observation, how this great nation conducts itself in the weeks and months to come will most certainly define who and what we are...God Bless America!
So long from Huntersville, 73 and good DX.
This page was last updated 07/18/2002