United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

WØZPE QRV from Huntersville
November 26, 2002

Greetings from "The Friendly Voice of Huntersville." 

It's mid-November with a trace of new snow, the Veterans Day holiday has gone, the memories that come back to me once a year are also gone. It seems so long ago when we were all so young and eager and patriotic.  I ran across an article on the Tin Can Sailor's web page by an unknown author.  It was quite long but one paragraph struck a poignant note and I'd like to share it with you.

"I remember with fondness and respect the ocean in all its moods - the impossible shimmering mirror calm and the storm-tossed green water surging over the bow. Then there will come again a faint whiff of stack gas, a faint echo of engine and rudder orders, a vision of the bright bunting of signal flags snapping at the yardarm, a refrain of hearty laughter in the wardroom and chief's quarters and mess decks.  Gone ashore for good they will grow wistful about their Navy days, when the seas belonged to them and a new port of call was ever over the horizon."

 November has been a DXer's dream, so far, with 10-meters showing surprising strength.  12 and 15-meters also brought DXer's out of the ionosphere by the 'skads' with Europe and West Africa pounding into my radio shack.  Bless all my mono banders, there's absolutely no substitute for hanging lot's and lot's of aluminum from a skyhook. There is nothing that will keep a smile on your face nor is there anything any better than busting a pileup with one call.  QSL cards continue to show up via the direct route including Ivory Coast, Norway and the Island of Madaria.  The march goes forward towards my DXCC.  

Fast forward: The time approaches to meet the deadline for posting this column, the bands are still "i'iffy," but DXing is still out there as we near the end of the month.  I just received a new bunch of QSL cards from the BURO with some over a year old, there was one from Finland that I need for DXCC, it's worth the wait!  

Before going QRT for the month, I'll leave you with this, "One of the secrets of living happily, purposefully and abundantly is found in these three simple words, make today count."

So long from Huntersville, 73 and good DX   Bob WØZPE

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This page was last updated 12/13/2002