Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. |
Staples, MN |
Staples, MN |
Jim is KØTXT. He was KBØTXT
until September 2004 when the shorter call became available. You will often hear
Jim on the Brainerd 147.225+ Repeater. His easy going friendly style makes him a great ambassador for
the Brainerd Club. He is also heard as Net Control on the PICO Net at 3925
KHz on 75
meters. Jim is the BAARC Sunday Night Net Control Operator
Contact him to volunteer as Net Control.
The telephone number is 218-894-1962.
His wife, Sharon KBØSQX, is a
Pharmacist. Sharon is
also the BAARC Club Secretary and Sunshine Chairperson. As Sunshine
Chairperson, she sends get-well
cards to club members who may be ailing or in the hospital.