Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. |
Shirley Doree KØDCW and her husband Al WØRC |
![]() Shirley served as BAARC Secretary from 1998 through 2004. Al served as BAARC President from 2000 through 2004. Al Doree was First licensed in 1963 as WNØGMX (novice) and upgraded to general 6 months later as WAØGMX, upgrading to advanced in 1973, then to extra in 1998 and later changed his call to WØRC. Al is a charter member of the 3M Amateur Radio Club since it was started in 1969 and has held the offices of Secretary, Vice President, and President a couple times. Al served in the US Navy from July 1951 to April 1954 as electronic aviation radio/radar operator during the Korean war. Later he served in the US Naval Reserves as electronic aviation technician and retired in May of 1994. He worked for Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing for 32 years from 1962 to June of 1994 when he retired and moved to Lake Shamineau near Motley, Minnesota. Al, a 1958 graduate of DeVry Institute in Chicago, earned a BS degree in electrical engineering through the ICS program at 3M in 1974.
Al Doree WØRC in his radio shack. Al is also the club's digital repeater (packet node) coordinator. He knows electronics and enjoys using it in his ham hobby. Shirley Doree KCØDCW has been a ham since 1998. She decided that if Al can be a ham, then she can too. Shirley pplied her talents to the job of Club Secretary and was much appreciated. E-mail: doreeaj at brainerd.net (replace the at with the familiar "@" sign.) This is called "munging" the e-mail address in the posting so that "spam harvesters" can't recognize it as an e-mail address. Their telephone number is 218-575-2404. The mailing address is: 3876 East Shamineau Drive, Motley, MN 56466. |
Al WØRC, January 2005:
Most people start this time of the year saying, “WOW has another year
gone by?” Well, I must say, “WOW have four years gone by already?”
Yes, I have been the BAARC President
for four years now and Vice-President for one year before that.
One of the first things we did was the Brainerd Hamfest in 2001. You’re not supposed to make money on your first Hamfest, but we beat the odds and made a good profit. We have been making money on each one since. Also, thanks to the generous donations from Bob, WØZPE and John, W3MQD, the club is in very good financial condition. The 145.67 packet node was put back in service and the DX cluster at the club station is on the air. The Club web site was also started in the early years. With all the community events taking place, it was clear we needed a COMM Trailer to provide needed communications for all these events. Soon after that, the old 147.03 club repeater changed frequencies to the present 147.225. The 443.925 Gull Lake Repeater became a reality with it being linked to Coleraine and the North Shore Lake Superior Amateur Coalition (LSAC) system that gives us coverage to northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and northern Michigan. It is gaining popularity with more and more people getting on UHF. We made a lot of extra money taking down and selling towers to other hams in the area. The six-meter repeater, after much reworking and retuning, finally became a reality this fall. With the growing concern for Home Land Security, the Central Minnesota Hospital Bio-Terrorism task force was formed and many of the states hospitals and Co. Public Health departments obtained ham radios requiring effort on our part of installing antennas, radios and providing and training ham radio operators. During the past four years, we as a club have accomplished a lot, but there are many things left to do. Please support your new officers as you have me and the club will continue to grow. Again, Thank You for letting me serve you as President and thanks to many of you that helped when ever you were called upon. One last thought from some famous person, “Think not what the club can do for you, but what you can do for the club.” de Al, WØRC 73 and good DXing |
2005: In the past six and a half
years that I have been BAARC secretary. I have seen the club grow from
barely making it financially to now being able to support a number of
repeaters, to own an operate a communications trailer, to being a big part
of Homeland Security and Emergency Communications. I have enjoyed helping
to organize and working at the Hamfests. We have had an annual club picnic
for the past five years. Refreshments at membership meetings have added to
the enjoyment of the meetings. I was also instrumental in setting up the
BAARC name tags. We have had great participation at community events and
Field Day. I have enjoyed being BAARC secretary and thank every one that
helped make my job easier. Please support Sharon KBØSQX our new
73s Shirley KCØDCW |
June 2007: Shirley upgraded her call to KØDCW. |
This page was last updated 02/15/2009