Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. |
Sunday Night Repeater Net & ARES Practice Net |
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The BAARC Sunday
Night Net is a good way to hear what is happening with other
Hams in the area. Mobiles and visitors are welcome.
Occasionally, a marine-mobile station is heard from one of the many lakes
in the area during the summer. Contact me, Fritz WØKO, to volunteer as a Net Control operator. WØKO@arrl.net Can't make the schedule? Please find a substitute operator to take your place. This is a good way to hone your operating skills. Here is a form to make it easy for you to log stations checking into the net. Click here to download and print it. |
Net Control Operator Calendar |
Calendar for Net Control Operators: |
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for BAARC Sunday Night Net
Control Operators Here are good operating practices to make a
Sunday Night Net short and fun to listen to: |
Preamble for the 8 PM Sunday
Night Net
for the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
on the 147.225+ MHz Repeater
Good evening, this is ____(first name & callsign)____ your net control station for the regular Sunday Night Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club Repeater Net. My station is located at ___________________. This net meets every Sunday evening at 8 PM on this frequency and is intended as both a practice for emergency operations: (ARES: Amateur Radio Emergency Service) and for the friendly exchange of information. All licensed amateurs are to invited to check in. Membership in the BAARC or any other amateur radio organization is not required. We especially like to hear from visitors to our area.
Emergency traffic may break into the net at any time.
When invited to check-in, stations are asked to respond with their call sign suffix only. I will listen until I have heard 5 or 6 stations and then call on them in the order received. When called, each station should respond with their full callsign, name, and location, followed by any and all appropriate greetings, announcements, and comments for the net.
We will begin check-ins with any short-time or mobile stations. Call and speak slowly and clearly with your suffix only now..
I will now take regular check-ins. Call and speak slowly and clearly with your suffix only now..
2 Meter Simplex Net
Now we will conduct a short simplex net on the repeater output frequency. This net will test our ability to communicate in the event that the repeater is off the air. My location is ________________. Set your radios to transmit and receive on 147.225 MHz. Wait until after you hear the repeater ID. Then, call net control giving your full callsign. I will acknowledge as soon as I hear you. If I do not acknowledge you, then ask another station you can hear to relay for you. I will return to the repeater after the simplex net. This is ___(callsign)____ your Net Control.
On the 147.225+ MHz Repeater
This is ___(first name & callsign)____ your Net Control. There were _____ check-ins on the repeater net and ______ on the simplex net.
This concludes the two meter portion of the Sunday Night Net. Anyone with 440 capability should move to the 443.925 MHz repeater (with a 110.9 Hz tone) for a short net. I will return to this repeater to report the results in a few minutes. This is ____(first name & callsign)___.
443.925 MHz Repeater Net
Is this frequency in use? If not, this is ___(first name & callsign)____ your net control station for the regular Sunday Night Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club Repeater Net. Please call-in with your full call sign. I will acknowledge those heard as I hear them.
Thank you for your check-ins. Please return to the 147.225+ Repeater for the conclusion of the net. This is ____(callsign)__.
On the 147.225+ MHz Repeater
This is __(first name & callsign)___. (Report the results of the 440 Net.) Thank you for participating in the regular Sunday Night Net for the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. Please join us again next Sunday evening at 8 PM for another net. This is ____(callsign)___ good evening.
(Note: Try to finish all net activities before 8:30 PM so that net participants can move on to other nets which start at 8:30.)
This page was last updated