Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. |
Website and BAARCer Newsletter Disclaimer |
This web page and the BAARCer
Newsletter are provided for information and entertainment as a non-profit
service. The material is supplied "as is" and without
The webmaster, the site host, and the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club assume no responsibility and have no liability, consequential or otherwise, relating to the use of material published on the web page or in the BAARCer newsletter. Use of this information is done at the user's risk. The authors are not responsible for any loss or damages arising from the use of this site or information contained within. Permission is granted to copy any original article published on this web site, provided the source is credited. Anyone can submit articles and information for publication on the web page and the BAARCer newsletter by e-mailing Webmaster. |
This page was last updated 02/22/2009 Ø