United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Bob Englund  KGØZK
Past Club Treasurer and Special Event Coordinator

Bob became a ham in 1994 after attending BAARC's new ham class taught by Jay Andolshek KAØDYN. He now has an Extra Class license.  Bob has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Business and worked in the computer industry at Univac and Honeywell for 34 years. He holds 5 patents in circuit design and computer architecture. One of the highlights of his engineering career was meeting and working with many of the pioneers of the modern semiconductor era including Bob Noyce and Jack Kilby, the co-inventors of the integrated circuit, Bob Bayrd, a co-inventor of the LED, and the founders of many silicon valley semiconductor companies.

After taking an early retirement Bob, and his wife Dorothy, moved to their home on Sylvan Lake in 1992.  About that time they started their second careers as the owners of a dental lab in Baxter.

Special Events are an interest to Bob for 3 reasons:
   1. An opportunity to introduce new hams to HF.
   2. A chance to operate the club station.
   3. An excuse to get on the radio for more than a few minutes at a time.

9/06:  Bob has sold his home on Sylvan Lake and has moved to Bluffton, SC.  We wish him well at his new QTH.

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Last edited 10/29/2006