Antenna Takedown Party
Syd Peterson, widow of Skip Peterson(KCØNA-SK), donated a tower, cable, antennas, and HF station equipment to the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. Club members met on June 20, 1998 to take down the antennas and tower. On the left is Lyle Kohler, KØLR. On the right is Jon Livingston, KBØMNM.
Antennas were taken down from two towers at the house. On the left is Tom Taylor II, KØHHF and the one on the right is Jim Junkert, KØJUH. The weather alternated between sunshine and rain three times during the work.
Here are some of the ground crew consisiting of Art Williamson, KØTNJ; Jim Junkert, KØJUH; and Mark Persons WØMH.
More ground crew from left to right are Arnie Heinrich, KBØVNJ; Tom Taylor III, son of Tom Taylor II, KØHHF; Art Williamson, NØTNJ; and Fritz Bertelt, WØKO. Additional crew, not shown, were Ken Magloughlin, KAØJSW; John Oehlenschlager, KØJO; and Alan Sherburne, KCØBQP.
Lunch and refreshements were served by Syd Peterson, widow of KCØNA, and Judy Bertelt, NØGFE. Thanks to everyone who participated and to Syd for donating the equipment.
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