Tour of the Lakes
George (KCØBH) and Mel (NØFOO) in Net Control
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club was well represented at the Annual Tour of the Lakes Family Bike Event on June 6, 1998 with 17 operators stationed at various points along the 40 and 72 mile routes.
The day started out cool with moderate winds. As the day wore on, a report was received from Roger (KBØUUN) that hail was falling at the northwest corner of Pelican Lake. Many bikers took to the woods to escape the danger of larger hail. Before long, there was hail on the east shore of Pelican Lake and then at Nisswa.
Hams were able to react quickly when Rest Stop Number 1 reported a possible serious situation with a female biker. Terry (KBØNJX) who operated with the tactical call Medic 1, monitored the traffic and had an ambulance dispatched. There were other First Responders athe scene who gave a great assist.
All in all, the event went well. 1200 bikers traversed the routes and no serious injuries were recorded. It was a good event that was well coordinated thanks to the communications efforts of members of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. Tour officials were so satisfied that they asked the club back next year.
Those who participated, from the club, were: Art (NØTNJ), Jon (KBØMNM), Bob (KGØZK), Jim (KCØANQ), Terry (KIØFW), Gene (KØTIW), Katie (KBØDKD), Marty (WØUGV), Roger (KBØUUN), Mel (NØFOO), Eldon (WØMQO), Dick (KBØBAN), Joe (NØUME), Terry (KBØNXJ, George (KCØBH), and Ken (KAØJSW) who coordinated the event for the BAARC.
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