Hunt Technologies Tour
Members of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club met at Hunt Technologies at Pequot Lakes, MN on July 30th, 1998. A tour of Hunt Technologies was held after the regular club business meeting. Hunt is now a multi-million dollar corporation invloved in ultra narrow bandwidth technology used in power meters in homes and businesses world wide. The company founder is long time BAARC member Paul Hunt (WBØDAA). His product is known as the "Turtle." It is so named because it is slow, but sure in delivering digital information.
Ray Holm (KXØV), member of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, and long time employee of Hunt Technologies holds up a typical power meter found in homes. The green circuit board inside contains a low power ultra narrow bandwidth Turtle transmitter, which reports power usage to power sub-stations.
Hunt Technologies employee, Bill Arden, shows an example of what a Turtle transmitter looks like after being hit by over 10,000 volts of electrictity. Destructive testing allows him to design better Turtle transmitters which will withstand lightning strikes.
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