Range Testing of VHF Antennas

  at July 29, 1999 Club Meeting


        The July 29, 1999 Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club presentation was "Range Testing" of VHF antennas.  It was held starting at 7 PM at the Brainerd/Crow Wing County Airport.  Here, John Luce WØJGY, holds a five element cubical quad antenna that the club had constructed at a meeting about two years ago.  About 25 hams attended this presentation.


        Jon Livingston KBØMNM set up a 1/3 watt test transmitter on 146.58 MHz.  


        The above four element Yagi antenna is being tested.  It is pointed at the test transmitter.  Club President, Mark Persons WØMH, is using a spectrum analyzer as a DB voltmeter to take a signal strength reading from the antenna being tested.  That antenna was then rotated in azimuth 45 degrees at a time and signal strength indications were taken.  The data gathered was plotted on polar charts at the August 26th club meeting.

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