26, 1999 Club Meeting
Graphing Antenna Patterns
The August 26, 1999 Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club meeting presentation was on antenna patterns. The talk was given by Club President, Mark Persons WØMH. Data gathered at the "Range Testing" of VHF antennas at the Brainerd/Crow Wing County Airport on July 29th was plotted on polar graphs. Six antennas were analyzed using this method. Four of those were hand crafted including one which the club had built as a project several years ago.
One of the antennas, built by Terry May KIØFW, was a three element yagi. It had no gain over over the ground plane reference antenna, but had 26 DB of front to back ratio. The yagi is very small and is ideally suited to fox hunting.
Photo by Paula Persons WØHA.