"Relay for Life" fund raiser
aided by BAARC


        Starting at about 1600 on Friday, 30 July, we began our coverage of the Relay for Life, which was an event staged to raise funds for the Crow Wing Cancer Society. The beautiful setting was the Brainerd High School Athletic Complex - principally the football field and track surrounding it. When we arrived, after checking at the Emergency Management Office to find out about the severe weather that was coming into Minnesota from the Dakotas, the scene was mostly green, with the black track. Shortly thereafter, the process of placing about 7,000 luminaries around the track, with single rows around both inside and outside the track, except on the north end, where there were double, triple and even quadruple rows, in place. Also, there were a couple of special settings, one of
which was a heart, out on the football field. 

        It was our responsibility to keep track of out of the ordinary things as they occurred. The assignments varied from Tent and RV areas, to Registration and 4 spots around the track. Since the Net Control station was set up in the Press Box, it allowed a clear view of all but the Registration area. Fortunately, no serious injury occurred and most of the 5 pages of reports through Net Control were routine things.

        We had 12 Hams who indicated they would arrive to help with the project, but unfortunately, only 8 were able to make it to participate. They were assigned to specific areas and reported in, using their location in checkin. These Hams were: W0JGY, John; KC0BH, George; N0FOO, Mel; K0QIH, Elmer; W0RC, Al; AA0RJ, R.J.; KB0MNM, Jon and KA0JSW, Ken.

        Things went along very smoothly, until about 0300 when occasional paper bags, in which the luminaries were set, began to burn. At that time, we still had four Hams available. By about 0400, with only two Hams left on duty, the real fun began, when one was able to walk by a number of them, only to turn around and find several burning in the area just passed. From then until 0600, with the help of several young fellows,10 to 13 yrs. old, were helping put out the fires and also providing water in liter bottles, for the Hams to put out the majority of the fires. Also, several of the "walkers" picked up empty bottles and on the return around the track they left full bottles. It was about 0600 when the word was passed to put them all out, so cleanup could be accomplished.

        It was interesting to see the names of those who were "remembered" as well as those who were "honored" on the paper bags. Every bag had a name on it for one or the other. Actually, I found a bag with my name on it and at first glance, I thought it said "In Memory of," and thought someone knew something I didn't, but after a closer look, it was "In Honor of." That, in addition to 3 of my own family members were remembered, "In Memory of."

        As I was loading my radio equipment, several of the members of the Relay for Life Committee came to express their gratitude for the Ham Radio participation and had nothing but praise for the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club and this operation.

   Ken Magloughlin, KA0JSW

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