aided by the
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio
For the first of what may be a continuing event, the fishing opportunity
for handicapped folks was held on North Long Lake, near Merrifield, MN,
on Saturday, 21 August, with communications help from members of the
Two BAARC members, Jim, KC0ANQ, and Roger, KB0UUN, brought their own
boats and, each with another Ham on board, they cruised about the areas
of Merrifield Bay of North Long Lake, looking for participants in the
fishing event. In addition, Joe, N0UME, was a participant in the
fishing as well as in the Ham Radio communications. Joe, as a
fisherman, probably caught more fish than any other. He claims to have
caught 39 fish, but only 5 were "keepers."
Alan, KB0BQP, and George, KC0BH, were the communicators with Roger and
Jim, respectively. Jim also had a young man with him, who turned out to
be a willing student of the fishing knowledge Jim had to share with
him. This produced several fish in their boat.
Jon, KB0MNM, found a station at the "Life Guard Station" and also
accompanied the event photographer on his cruises about the lake, for
photos of participants in action.
Manning the Net Control Station were Mel, N0FOO, and Ken, KA0JSW. While
this location finished with 5 pages of records of calls, there were no
emergency messages. However, those logged had a purpose and the net
result was congratulations and expressions of thanks from the
administration of the Angling Horizons event, which was held at the
Parker Boy Scout Reservation on the north side of the lake.
Those who participated are now looking forward to the next event, which
will be the Halloween Goblin Watch, on Sunday night, 31 October. That
will give us another opportunity to cement relations with the area
Police Departments.
BAARC Field Event CoordinatorKen Magloughlin, KA0JSW