New Antenna
for the
BAARC Station

        A new Diamond F22A Antenna was installed on the tower at the Mississippi Horizons School in Brainerd.  The work took place on a beautiful Friday morning, June 9, 2000.  On the tower were Club Vice President Al Doree, WØRC, and club member Alan Sherburne, KCØBQP.  They were aided by linemen from the Brainerd City Water and Light Department.  

        The new antenna is the white colored vertical at the very top of the antenna stack.  This antenna is used for the 2 Meter packet station on 145.03 MHz.  It uses the call sign WØUJ and is a gateway to the Internet.  

Al Doree, WØRC, is the Digital Repeater Coordinator.  Contact him for details on using it.   

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006