Goblin Patrol
October 31, 2001
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
As we have been doing for about 8 years, we will be providing communications for Halloween evening in the areas of Baxter, Brainerd, Crosby, Ironton, Nisswa and Pequot Lakes, augmenting the existing law enforcement establishment. The police have requested our help in being additional eyes and ears for their departments. The need seems to increase each year and with the vandalism occurring in the area this year, it would appear that we will be needed even more than usual.
To adequately do what is requested, we will need about 16 hams. This would include controls at the Brainerd/Crow Wing County LEC (Law Enforcement Center), Crosby-Ironton LEC and Pequot Lakes LEC, as well as hams traveling about the involved areas and reporting in any unusual activities that are observed.
Please contact Ken, KAØJSW to volunteer for this annual fun event. Phone 829-8354, or e-mail, ka0jsw@diginow.net
Ken Magloughlin, KAØJSW,
Community Service Event Coordinator, Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.
This page was last updated 12/19/2006