Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
Special Event Station
February 10, 2001 

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club held its fifth Special Event on Saturday Feb. 10. The theme was the Mid-Minnesota Sled Dog Race which was held 2 weeks earlier. The morning was cold and clear and the HF bands were wide open. Everyone felt the Special Event was a great success. The bands were open, we made lots of contacts, some new faces showed up, and we all had fun.  What more could anyone ask for?

During the 8 hours, we made about 140 contacts including: Oxford Univ., the National Museum of American History in DC, England, Scotland, France, Netherlands, Austria, Trinidad, West Africa, Canada from east to west, up and down the east and west coasts, Hawaii and Alaska.  I was there for about 3 1/2 hours and it was a continual pileup for the whole time.

Here is what the contact certificate looked like:

I'm starting to plan the next Special Event. If anyone has an idea for a theme, please contact me. Just remember that due to publication schedules at QST, we plan these about 3 months in advance.

  73's Bob Englund KGØZK

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