Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club 
VE Testing Session
Tuesday, April 3, 2001

     BAARC ham class instructor Dan Selinger AAØNK along with three very happy members of the class who passed the Technician Class test.  They are (l-r) Jack Miller (now KCØKIB), Luella Jensen (now KCØKIC), and Randy Morgan (now KCØKID).  One of the class members could not test that night because of an illness in the family.  
     Paul Hunt, of Pequot Lakes, MN has been a ham for many years.  His call is WBØDAA.  Paul upgraded from Tech Plus to Amateur Extra by passing a written test at this session. 

     Paul is the internationally known inventor who started Hunt Technologies after creating the "Turtle" power meter reader, which is used by power companies world wide.  He is also an all around really nice guy.  

     Holly Hansen of Deerwood also came in and upgraded from Novice to Technician Class.  

     The Volunteer Examiners included (front row l-r) Terry May KIØFW, Al Doree WØRC, and Fritz Bertelt WØKO.  Back row (l-r) Dan Selinger AAØNK, Mark Persons WØMH, Pat Brundidge WØETY, and Richard Brundidge WØECJ.
Congratulations to all those who passed tests at the session.

The ARRL testing liaison was Al Doree, WØRC

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