Memorial Day Parade
Aided by BAARC May 28, 2001


        Ham operators performed admirably with the Memorial Day Parade in Brainerd. Joe, NØUME; Jon, KBØMNM; Jim, KBØTXT; and Sharon, KBØSQX covered the intersections to assure that cars didn't violate the parade on 3rd Ave. NE in Brainerd.  Alan, AAØAS, kept the Brainerd Police officer advised of the delays and gaps which inevitably occur.  Ken, KAØJSW, followed the progress of the parade on a four-wheeler and was able to pass information to Alan for the police pace car.

     After all of the ceremonies were completed, several parade participants commented on the effective way the hams performed and kept the parade moving and minimized the usual gaps.  The members of the Brainerd Area Memorial Day Committee were complimentary about the ham radio participants and their manner of operation.  As BAARC Public Service Event Coordinator and Chairman of the Memorial Day Committee, I was proud of our entire operation.

  Ken Magloughlin, KAØJSW

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