Brainerd Area Hamfest...a SUCCESS
July 21, 2001
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The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club had it's first annual Brainerd Area Hamfest on July 21, 2001. The event was held at the Brainerd National Guard Armory. |
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Talk-in was provided by Jim Duit KBØTXT. Jim was at the armory. He was aided by Terry May KIØFW, not shown, who did some of the talk-in from his home in Crosslake, MN. |
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The Hamfest attracted 259 paid admissions. 36 vendor tables were sold. |
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The food concession was run by Bob Feuer WØZPE who is in the back making a Sloppy Joe. To the left is Vicky Bergman KCØDCA. To the right are Bob Englund KGØZK and Sharron Holmes, wife of Marv Holmes WØYHE. |
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Some of the food was brought to the vendors and attendees by cart. Orcy Lyle WØQT was in charge of the cart. She was aided by Kali Bergman, daughter of Pete Bergman NØBLX and Karrissa Doree, not pictured, granddaughter of BAARC President Al Doree WØRC and his wife Shirley KCØDCW. Shirley is Club Secretary. |
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The Handi-Hams had a table demonstrating a talking computer. Left to right are Gene Bradfield KØTIW, Rose Schieffert WAØWVR, Katy Bradfield KBØDKD, and BAARC Secretary Shirley Doree KCØDCW. |
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A Hex-Beam antenna seminar was put
on by antenna seminar was put on by Mike Traffie N1HXA, owner of the
Traffie Technology Company of Ashby, MA. Learn more on their website at:
Radio City from Minneapolis was one of the major exhibitors. |
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The American Radio Relay League had a booth at the Hamfest. Frank Karnauskas N1UW, who is the ARRL Affilliate Club Coordinator for the Minnesota Section, is on the left in the photo. E-mail Frank at: On the right is BAARC President Al Doree WØRC. |
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The Grand Prize winner was Milt
Moore WFØQ of Aikley,
MN (on the left in the photo). He went home with the Patcomm
PC-500 Series Dual Band Transceiver.
The prize donation was arranged by Club Member Peter "Pete" Bergman NØBLX (shown on the right in the photo). Pete is Past President of the Club and is the local representative for Patcomm Radio. Patcomm is Designed & Manufactured in the U.S.A List Price of the PC-500 Transceiver is $395.00 |
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The Patcomm PC-500 offers CW & SSB modes, an Iambic Keyer with a CW Keyboard Interface, adjustable 1 to 15 Watts of output power (12 Watts on 6 Meters) and Patcomm's unique DVF (Digital Variable Filter) filtering system providing a 600 Hz to 2.8 kHz continuos variable filter within the AGC loop for superb receiver selectivity. VOGAD and RF clipping are used on SSB transmit to provide that Big Radio "Punch". This radio can be ordered with your choice of any two Ham Bands between 160 and 6 meters, and when ordered with the VOX option is PSK-31 ready. This is the ideal rig for QRP and Portable operation. |
Air Hobbies
donated a 1 million candle power rechargeable spot light, a 12 VDC wet dry
VAC and a 6 Amp ICS power supply. That supply was won by Brian Olson NØXFE
of Bloomington, MN. Air Hobbies is located at 714
Laurel Street in downtown Brainerd and is run by Pete Bergman NØBLX.
MFJ donated 12 coffee mugs and 3 digital 24 hr station clocks. |
Ramsey FHT1 Fox Hunt Transmitter kit
with matching case and knob set--retails for $120.00. Donated by Ramsey
Hobby Kits, it was won by Allen Pfanz KBØUUL of
Alinco 2 Meter hand held transceiver, provided by the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, was won by Earl Quinnell WAØELW of Rushford, MN. |
FIRST EVER BAARC HAMFEST IS A SUCCESS: The event was in the planning
stage for over a year with monthly meetings held throughout the winter
and spring months. An article in an earlier QST was a great help and
provided many guidelines for running a Hamfest. Many of the Hamfest
committee members and club members are avid Hamfest guests so there was
no shortage of ideas and energy for planning this event. |
Mark Your calendar for the next Brainerd Area Hamfest which will be held on July 20, 2002.
I really enjoyed the Hamfest and appreciate all the work that was put into it. The indoor set up proved very convenient and removed the weather as a concern. After the Hamfest I was able to spend a night at Crow Wing State Park just down the road. The Brainerd area has so much to offer and now I know a little more about its active radio club. Thanks again - Brian NØXFE Website very helpful. Keep up with the fest. Send us info for next year kØ Had a great time! Hope you do this next year. Thanks Dennis Petrich KØEOO Good talk-in WØLPZ. |
BAARC President/Hamfest 2001 Co-Chair: Al
Doree WØRC
BAARC Past President/Hamfest 2001 Co-Chair:
Peter Bergman
This page was last updated 12/19/2006