Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
aids "Relay for Life 2001" event 
July 27, 2001

     While we normally continue our out of door events, regardless of weather conditions, the 2001 Relay for Life, was discontinued on Friday, 27 July at 2200, due to the continuing rain that started at about 1700. Many walkers continued to walk the track until the lights were turned out. The normal fireworks display, as well as many other planned events, was canceled.

     Normally, we have about 6 or 8 pages in the Net Control Log, but for this event, we had less than two completed pages, despite monitoring 3 radios at once. Also, we had a total of 9 hams who indicated they would want to participate, but by the time the event was discontinued, we had only 5 who did actually participate and 4 that volunteered to work later shifts were called and their shifts were canceled.

     The Relay for Life is a fundraiser for the Crow Wing County Cancer Society. Certainly, the weather dampened the event from the standpoints of both the walkers and the fund raising. Due to the lack of volunteers to handle the shadows and the areas to be covered, we arranged to borrow and utilize Business Band radios and we were able to keep in contact with the event management.

     Nothing serious occurred and the management of the event was satisfied with the Ham Radio operation, despite the rain. We made several contacts with commercial radio stations to bring the management of the event up-to-date on the weather.

     Hams participating in this Public Service Event were: WØJGY, John; WØHA, Paula; KCØANQ, Jim; KBØMNM, Jon; and KAØJSW, Ken.   WØMQO, Eldon; WØYHE, Marv; KCØEGE, Randy; and AAØAS, Alan were standing by to come to Brainerd to handle the later hours, but were canceled due to the discontinuance of the event.

     It is my personal pleasure to participate, as a 28-year cancer survivor.

  Ken Magloughlin, KAØJSW


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