Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
Goblin Watch....Halloween |
The annual Goblin Patrol for 2002 was conducted on 31 October in Pequot Lakes, Nisswa, Baxter, Brainerd, Ironton and Crosby, from 6 PM until 9:30 PM, in conjunction with the local Police Departments and schools. There were a total of 17 hams from the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, with 14 vehicles cruising about the areas. While we have been providing the Goblin Watch for around 15 + years, more or less, this was absolutely the quietest one. When the net control station contacted the various hams cruising about the areas, 99% of the reports made were: "Very quiet here!" or "Nothing going on in my area!"
While we normally continue the "watch" from 6 to 10 PM, this one was so quiet that the decision was made to close down at about 9:30 PM, and one of the final reports was from Pequot Lakes when John, W3MQD, reported that there was a pile of brush throwing sparks into the air higher than surrounding trees. This was passed on the Law Enforcement Center dispatchers who contacted help in Pequot Lakes and it arrived in just a few minutes to take over.
Participating in the 2002 Goblin Watch in the Baxter/Brainerd area were: Dave, KBØSCT; Steve, WAØTNT, Chris, KCØNGK; Sharon, KBØSQX; Jim, KBØTXT; Cliff, KCØNGI; Joe, NØUME; John, WØJGY; Bob, KGØZK; Jon, KBØMNM and Jim, WAØAXB. In the Crosby/Ironton area were: Carlos, NØOHX and Terry, KIØFW. Covering the Nisswa and Pequot Lakes areas were: John, W3MQD; Alan, AAØAS; Richard, KA9VOA and Jim, KCØANQ. While not assigned, due to prior commitments, Tom, KØHHF and Allen, KBØUUL both checked in to see whether there was anything going on where they could help.
Ken, KAØJSW was net control and had very little to report to the Law Enforcement Center radio dispatchers, for which we were all grateful. All in all, we had a good time and were happy there wasn't anything serious to report.
Public Service Event Coordinator
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