United We Stand  

Memorial Day Parade aided by the
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
May 27, 2002

Members of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club aided Police at the annual Memorial Day Parade in Brainerd.  Operators did not act as police, but the presence of ham operators wearing distinctive vests elicited respect for the parade enroute. 

Parade units included the Brainerd Senior High School Band (shown on the left), and Color Guards from many local military veteran service organizations.  


The Memorial Day Parade went off with only one small problem. There was a gap between the band and the rest of the parade. We were able to stop the parade for long enough to let this gap close up. There were a few cars parked along the route, but they didn't really cause any problem. With the "old hands" handling the intersections, we really didn't have any problems with the parade.

Participating were these hams: Jim KBØTXT, Sharon KBØSQX, Gene KØTIW, Katy KBØDKD, Mark WØMH, Paula, WØHA, Jon KBØMNM, Cindy  KBØUKC, Alan AAØAS, Joe, NØUME, and Ken KAØJSW. The intersections were properly controlled and cross traffic was not a problem. KA0JSW got his 4 wheeler fixed and was able to patrol the entire parade length.

Paraders commented that the parade went along in excellent form and the Memorial Day Committee was well satisfied with the event and with the BAARC operation.

The weather was perfect.  A crowd gathered to watch the parade and honor those who died in the defense of freedom in our nation's wars.    

Ken Magloughlin KAØJSW, BAARC Community Event Coordinator.

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