Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
Repeater Frequency Change |
The .225 is up: The 147.030 MHz repeater was shut down on August 14th for frequency change to 147.225 MHz with plus offset. While Curt Martin was attempting the change-over he ran into a problem with the receiver stripe that has been causing trouble for some time with this machine. He was able to find another receiver strip of a different frequency range and just had to change the front end and one inductor. The new receiver tuned up just fine on the new frequency. The transmitter and cavities were no problem. He was able to get the repeater with the new frequency back on line on the morning of August 19th.
Our thanks to Curt for his help and expertise in getting this job done in a timely manor. The repeater seems to be working great, please report any differences in coverage's that you might encounter with the new frequency. Transmit to it on 147.825 MHz and receive on 147.225 MHz. Thanks for your patience in this change-over.
Some software driven two-meter radios may need adjustment to use the 147.225 MHz frequency. By default, some radios tune in 10 KHz (.01 MHz) increments. If so, the closest you can come to 147.225 is 147.220 or 147.230 MHz. If your radio is set this way, then you will need to consult your owner’s manual to adjust the tuning increments to 5 KHz (.005 MHz) steps.
Mark WØMH, Past Club President
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This page was last updated 12/19/2006 Ø