United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

St. Patrick's Day Parade Aided by BAARC  March 15, 2003

15 March was the day for the Irish, this year. Fortunately, BAARC members showed appreciation for the Irish and we were able to field a full crew to cover the parade route, which covered 7 blocks in downtown Brainerd. Nothing out of the ordinary occurred, but we kept things in perspective and everyone involved knew what was occurring, along the parade route.

Participating were Skee KCØDCY, Bob KGØZK, Jim KCØANQ, Greg NØLJY, Steve WØTNT, Terry KIØFW, and Ken KAØJSW. 

Now, we are looking forward to the Memorial Day Parade, which will cover about 12 blocks of northeast Brainerd on 26 May.  Our thanks go out to all who participated on St. Patrick's Day and we look forward to working with you on Memorial Day, at which time we will need about 10 hams to work the parade route.


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